Danica Jane Taylor

February 4, 2016 - March 11, 2021

Danica’s Pink Stars

Danica joined the Santa’s Stars family in 2020. She had been battling ATRT brain cancer and Santa’s Stars was called in to make a special Christmas delivery. With the SWAT team and Santa on board, we set out to make a Christmas to remember for Danica and her family. It wasn’t long before we realized Danica the Brave would change our hearts and lives forever. Danica fought hard until her passing in March 2021.

Danica’s Pink Stars is a program to help families with children or other family members who are fighting a battle much like Danica. The name Danica’s Pink Stars was chosen after the Taylor family shared with us Danica’s love for hot cocoa sprinkled with her favorite pink stars. We are honored to have known Danica and are eager to carry on her legacy through Danica’s Pink Stars. Read more about Danica here: